A lack of quality communication leads to all kinds of misunderstandings, hurt feelings, conflict and trauma.
So, what can't we all just get along and why is it that really understanding each other, especially when we say we want the same thing??
I think most of us already know this is easier said than done... until now....
Join me, Sharon Sayler, this Wednesday June 27 at 1 p.m. pacific / 4 p.m. eastern on Messages, Meaning and Money Radio as we find out why change, transformation and relationships are never easy. And what we can do to quickly and easily make change achievable and sustainable, plus on our Biz-Tip Spotlight we will find out how to write for women consumers.
My first guest is Dr. Georgianna Donadio. She is the author of the fascinating book, Changing Behavior: Immediately Transform Your Relationships with Easy-to-Learn, Proven Communication Skills (SoulWork Press, 2011).
Dr. Donadio states that behaviors are not changed by cognitive thinking.
Whew, that supports my theory why so many great people set great goals and yet fail every time they try. I'm going to really dig into finding out how we succeed at change if thinking doesn't work plus....
During our chat I'm going to find out:
•What makes changing the way we live such a daunting and difficult task?
•Why when we are presented with contradictory facts we dig in your heels about our beliefs?
•Why we behave as we do and what we can do about changing when we want to?
•What are emotions, why do we need them and how can we tame them?
How to create successful communications and transform all our relationships...
•And why self awareness doesn't always work....
For over 30 years, Dr. Georgianna Donadio has been a pioneer in the field of behavioral health, working with healthcare professionals and patients to change behaviors that lead to improved health. A scholar, educator and researcher, her pioneering work is the foundation for the newly published book Changing Behavior: Immediately Transform Your Relationships with Easy-to-Learn, Proven Communication Skills (SoulWork Press, 2011).
Then in our Biz-Tip Spotlight of Messages, Meaning and Money at 1:40 p.m. pacific / 4:40 p.m. eastern we will be talking with award winning copywriter, Lisa Manyon, on how to write so women listen.
Women make or influence the majority of all purchasing decisions, so why does so much of what we read turn women off? Did you know that 91% of women believe that advertisers do not understand them. Count me in that 91%!
Now, maybe you don’t need to write marketing sales information, or even care, but you should. It is influencing the way you buy, the culture and even how you think about your self…. all those images of waif-thin girls does not represent the modern woman by a long shot, or even the life she desires to live.
Lisa will share with us how we should be talking to women if we are in business and how we as women, can influence those marketers right back at ‘em. Lisa and I will chat about:
• Why women really don’t need to be “agitated” to make a buying decision
• What women are responding to in marketing and how to truly connect with women
•And explore how Lisa’s mission "to give women a voice to turn ideas into something that matters" is so critical for today.
Join me, Sharon Sayler, this Wednesday June 27 at 1:00 p.m. pacific / 4:00 p.m. eastern on Messages, Meaning and Money radio for Dr Georgianna Donadio and Lisa Manyon!