Okay, so this one is late…and great…and number eight, and it’s about gamer gate. The lateness is all Aleks’ fault. He got a little too wound up in the Twine, and his amazing, next gen Ruin Jam Game (shameless self promotion, but hey, Aleks is the one who writes this copy, so he does what he wants). Most of this week’s episode is taken up by discussion on the most recent wave of harassment and controversy (this one refuses to completely die, although Zoe Quinn did give it a rather stiff kick in the gut on the morning of the day of our recording), but Aleks does lapse into a one sided “what are you playing” type of deal about half way through…except he can’t seem to remember the actual games he’d been playing, so it’s a bit of an extended, delayed roll. Listen to him grapple with his own mind. Listen to him confront the specter of his own encroaching decrepitude and mortality. Also, he sings at one point. Then the two podcast personalities run off to get burritos because the burrito store (which they shall not buzz-market) was to close within the hour.
The music for this episode was provided by the fantastic Holographic Sticker Club. The intro is taken from Gravitational Collapse, and the outro from Drop 5. Pick up “This is not a Tset” (pay what you want).
We apologize for Aleks’ coughing, and the more than occasional table bump, which should only make your ears bleed a little bit (we’re sorry Boris), and the noise of people walking upstairs. We’re looking into ways to stabilize the microphone, but it’s currently a bit of a puzzle, considering our ad hoc setup.
Metaverse Reverie is Supported by Listeners Like You.
Maybe you patronize us on Patreon, and we maybe get a cool swivel thingy? Eh? Why not Zoidberg? Patronage should allow us (or rather encourage us) to record more often, and, if we meet our first milestone someday, get some sexier, more professional kit. It will also encourage us to love you, and inextricably bind a small shard of our twin soul to yours. Pretty nifty, huh?
List of Some Games Aleks Has Played Recently, but Forgot the Names Of During Recording:
– How to Speak Atlantean by Porpentine
– Quing’s Quest VII by Deidre “Squinky” Kai
– Gingiva by John Clowder
– Brooklyn Trash King by Ben Esposito and Sarah Johnson
– 3x3x3 by Kayla Overkill
–Payola: I Sleep Beneath the Golden Hill by Lana Polansky