めざまし英会話13回目はTrying out clothes in a fitting room(洋服の試着をする)です。日本で手に入らない洋服を購入することも海外旅行の楽しみの1つですよね。「too tight=ちょっとキツいかな」は大きい場合はtoo bigに言い換えることが出来ますね。スマートに英語を使って存分に買い物を満喫しちゃいましょう☆
Case13 Trying out clothes in a fitting room
【Clerk】 How may I help you?
【You】 I would like to try these on,
where can I find the fitting room?
【C】Go down this aisle and turn to the left.
People will be there to assist you.
【Y】Thank you.
【C】Please come on in, this room is available.
【Y】Ok thanks.
Excuse me. Do you think you could bring me a size 6 and 8?
I think this one is too tight on me.
【C】Sure, let me go and see if there would be any in that size.
Ma’am, there was a size 6 and 8 but in a different color,
I brought them to you just in case if you wanted to try them on.
【Y】Thank you, let me try these on…
Actually this color looks good on me,
I think I’ll have this size 6.