Welcome to the 39th episode of the Michigan State University Comic Art and Graphic Novel Podcast, the tenth episode of season #4. This is also the final episode of the podcast. Below you'll find show notes and links mentioned in this episode.
Coin-Op Carnival 1st Place SPACE Prize - Graphic Novel Category: http://www.backporchcomics.com/space_prize.htm
Mysterious Travelers - Steve Ditko and the Search for a New Liberal Identity by Zack Kruse Available for pre-order from:
Independent bookstores:https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781496830548
Canadian pre-orders from UBC Press:https://www.ubcpress.ca/mysterious-travelers
Global pre-order via Eurospan:https://www.eurospanbookstore.com/mysterious-travelers-315861.html
Diamond Previews catalog: December 2020
2020 Capital City Comic-Con: https://capcitycomiccon.com/
MSU Special Collections Highlight:
Fanbase Press: www.fanbasepress.com
The Sequels: http://thesequelscomic.com/
Quince Comic: http://quincecomic.com/
The Katniss Chronicles: http://www.thekatnisschronicles.com/
MSU Comic Art and Graphic Novel Minor: http://tinyurl.com/msuComicsMinor
MSU Department of Art, Art History & Design website: http://art.msu.edu
MSU Comic Art and Graphic Novel Podcast Twitter page: http://twitter.com/MSUComicsCast
MSU Comic Art and Graphic Novel Podcast FaceBook page: http://facebook.com/MSUComicsCast
Contact us via our email address: MSUComicsCast[at]gmail.com