Midnight Horror was created by Rachel Craig and is an Evil Kitten Production
Please visit our website evilkittenproductions.com
Our theme song was done by Daniel Carl
Bump in the Night was written by Will Anderson
Emma is played by Rachel Craig
Carl is played by Will Snyder
Drunk 1 is played by Austin Beach
And Drunk 2 is played by Drew Profit
Did you know we have a Patreon? Please visit Patreon.com/evilkittenproductions
We have tiers and rewards that fit any budget
We'd like to thank our current Patrons
Laura Snyder
Suzanne Craig
Brett Fleming
Rebekah English
Mike Callahan
Byron Vierling
Destry Cloud
Mike Troup
Alex Smith
Alex Hensley
Joyetta Sarka
Paul Russell
Austin Beach
Jenan and Sara
Jude and Keith
Ed Champion
Please follow me on Twitter @midnitehorror and like me on FB at facebook.com/midnighthorrorpodcast
Love writing horror? Well I am accepting original or adapted horror short stories and scripts under 15 min in length. I would love to produce your terrifying tales so please send them to [email protected]
Finally, if you love the show, help the show grow by leaving a rating and review on iTunes. I’d love to hear your feedback
Thanks for listening