Mike Gould (@miketgould on most social networks, although, sadly, not MySpace) is back after a week-long hiatus with a new job, a new perspective on Slurpees, and a new interview! The Athletic's Down Goes Brown, AKA Sean McIndoe, joins Mike to talk about obscure old Toronto Maple Leafs brawls, what exactly the name "Down Goes Brown" actually means, and the realities of living a double life split between Sean McIn-"who?" and the renowned hockey journalist DGB.
Buy future MGT guest Matt Zoller Seitz's new book, "The Press Gang: Writings on Cinema from New York Press, 1991-2011," here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1609809777/ref=pe_2313390_503561100_em_1p_0_lm
Please donate to Black Lives Matter, Reclaim the Block, and any other organization dedicated to eradicating systemic racism and police brutality.
Donate to Black Lives Matter: secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019
Donate to Reclaim the Block: secure.everyaction.com/zae4prEeKESHBy0MKXTIcQ2
Check out the trailer for the new TV series "The Pond," coming June 29, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MU_O7gfS8OY&feature=emb_title
The Leeman/Savard/Durno DGB article: http://www.downgoesbrown.com/2009/05/gary-leeman-denis-savard.html
The Down Goes Brown Bowen call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiPxTEG2Ax8
"The Nightmare Team": http://www.downgoesbrown.com/search/label/worst%20leafs%20of%20all%20time
DGB Courtnall/Kordic article: http://www.downgoesbrown.com/2008/02/courtnall-for-kordic-was-good-trade.html
This episode contains excerpts from the songs "As I Was Saying," "Keeping Stuff Together," and "Things We Mean To Say" by Canadian artist Lee Rosevere. His songs can be found here: leerosevere.bandcamp.com/ and I highly recommend you purchase and download all of them! Rosevere's work falls under Creative Commons licensing, the details for which can be found here: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/.