pay off your debt or go on a vacationworry about money or worry about happinessbuy now and pay off over 5 years or save for a year and buy cashGetting Excited About Finances:
What “finances” mean?Definition – the management of moneySpending and savingWhat are some basics of finance?Don’t spend more than you earn50/30/20 rule50% goes to bills – rent, water, electric, phone, etc.30% goes to wants – a sweater, a concert, your daily coffee, etc.20% goes to future goals – a house, schooling, a corgi, etc.Don’t let your future-self take care of your current-selfHave an emergency fundWhy should I be excited about finances?If you don’t have them under control, it’s going to be a constant weight on your mind.“You’re going to feel so much better about your life and your situation, but not only that it’s going to help you move forward and achieve your goals.”Check out our website! Or we’re on twitter, instagram, and facebook!
Intro music: Happy Whistle by Scott Holmes
Outro music: Romantic Folk Loop by Twisterium
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“Happy Happy Game Show” Kevin MacLeod (
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