This past week, a theme popped up multiple times in my work. And it’s a theme that I used to run unconsciously as well. It goes something like this…
“I have to struggle to succeed.”
“People who suffer deserve to succeed.”
“Life is pain.”
“The more I can overcome pain and suffering, the more I prove my worthiness.”
When I was a single mom, I had several girlfriends who were in similar circumstances. We were all hardworking professional single moms who were bringing home (and cooking and serving) the bacon.
We were carting our kids around and supervising homework in between closing deals. We’d get together to sympathize with one another, pump each other up, and lick each others’ war wounds.
Heck, we were proud of those wounds. We were overcoming the hardships — we were doing it!
And at some point, it just became sad. If we were so awesome, why didn’t we have the partner we deserved? Why were our clients and customers such jerks sometimes? Why was life so exhausting?
If this sounds familiar, it’s time to change the channel with a reframe. Changing can be especially challenging when you live in an environment that glorifies suffering for a cause or for “the team.” This looks like: “Put in your time, and you’ll get the gold watch” (or the plaque, fancy vacation, or a handsome deposit in your 401K).
When the primary focus is on the struggle, the rewards may eventually come, but they’ll be over in an instant because the modus operandi, the day-to-day reality, is going to be on your focus — in this case, ”the struggle.”
If this resonates with you, it’s time to decide that you’ve suffered enough. It’s time to stop looking at the journey as something to endure. Instead, focus on the beauty, opportunities, growth, and all the things to celebrate on the journey. When you focus on those things, your unconscious mind — by need — will have to show them to you.
Don’t wait until you reach your destination to start enjoying the process, friend. The ride between there and here could be joyous. Ditch the suffering, pain, and struggle ideation, make peace with the fact that life is a process, and celebrate the journey.
Thanks for listening!
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Links from today’s episode:
- Mind Revolution episode, One Simple Change for Big Results
- Mind Revolution episode, Bridging the Gap Between You and You
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