Join us on this special edition episode of Mindreader where we do a deep dive into the minds of serial killers and psychopaths, in celebration of the release of season two of the Netflix original Mindhunder.
Jordan Accardo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQmHBqRMVlyO9zTrKVzDWgw?view_as=subscriber
Logan Porteneir: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzMvqwt21xqm7Fg5Uo3lsRQ
Follow up:
[00:00:45] Logan’s podcast infidelity
[00:05:32] Where have we been? Excuses and promises…
[00:12:39] Listener comments review
[00:18:59] Listener statistics review
The psychology of psychopaths and serial killers:
[00:22:36] Jordan discusses the psychology of serial killers, breaking it down and also discusses the release of mindhunter season 2
[00:24:18] Jordan explains the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths.
The Mask of Sanity: https://amzn.to/31L2OVX
[00:28:13] Jordan discusses the neurology of psychopaths mentioning Dr. Kent Kiehl’s work with FMRI scans.
The Psychopath Whisperer: https://amzn.to/2KGDieN
[00:31:08] Jordan explains how a sociopath is made.
[00:32:08] Logan on the psychology and body language behind the psychopath stare.
[00:34:46] Jordan and Logan tackle the questions of if psychopaths feel emotions, can they learn from negative experience, and if they can become aware of their own psychopathy.
[00:41:31] Jordan discusses hyper-normal white-collar criminal psychopaths.
[00:43:27] Logan on the cognitive trade off hypothesis, and the research of Testuro Matsuzawa.
Mindfield S3 E1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktkjUjcZid0
[00:46:07] Midroll
Mindreader website: http://mindreader.libsyn.com
Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mindreader/id1454717716
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/mindreader?refid=stpr
Tunein: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Education-Podcasts/mindreader-p1208411/
Google Play music: https://mindreader.libsyn.com/gpm
Mindreader is on youtube:
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Discord: https://discord.gg/wwZadH6
[00:46:53] Jordan on how psychopathy or an antisocial personality is only one of the parts that makes a serial killer, and discusses the other major part, sexual deviancy.
[00:48:31] Jordan on escalating behavior
[00:50:22] Jordan and Logan discuss how many of the studies done on serial killers, and criminal profiling are scientifically suspect.
[00:51:59] Jordan on the importance of being able to empathize and understand a murder’s intent and motivations. Logan iterates how important it is not to bring emotional baggage into scientific study.
[00:56:31] Logan mentions his experience in bible college with biased viewpoints and poor arguments.
[00:58:33] Jordan discusses the serial killer’s tendency to rehearse and fantasize about their crime before committing it.
[00:59:22] Jordan on signature vs MO, and what is the difference between the two.
[01:03:19] Logan discusses how serial killers and psychopaths don’t show shame and why that is.
[01:09:14] Logan on the body language of Ted Bundy.
[01:11:50] Jordan asks Logan if the feet are the most honest part of the body for psychopaths.
[01:17:05] Logan and Jordan on studying the body language and behavior of violent criminals.
[01:22:43] Deduction story time
[01:25:51] The psychology of why some people prefer cats or dogs.