Episode 76: In this show, I share the biography of a Spiritual Master from India whose name kept popping into my head inexplicably on what I later discovered was his birthday.
The sage's name is Upasani Maharaj, and he is one of the most hard core tough-ass Gurus I've ever come across.
It is my hope that this story inspires you, as it has me, to embrace the suck, lean into discomfort, and shy not from pain, for as we know, this is where the real growth happens.
Be As It May - Upasani Maharaj
I always used to beg with a broken earthen pot
and eat from it, drink from it.
I used to roam about naked
I used to lie by a dust div and used a
few rags to cover myself.
but remember unless you become mad
Forbearance to its maximum
means the attainment of the original
Forbearance to its maximum.
Sometimes one gets crumbs of bread while
some other time one gets to eat nice sweet things.
While at other times one has to fast.
That is how things happen.
One should allow things to happen.
whatever comes up should be accepted
It is always better to have pain to suffer
If you suffer with pleasure you will get plenty of pleasure.
Whosoever wants to be happy has to suffer for it first.
That is why I tell everybody that comes here that they
They should patiently bear it, suffer it even with pleasure.
They should never try for pleasure or happiness.
They should always remain content with whatever they have.
The most important mantra of mine is:
I've been constantly saying that everything has two aspects,
night is opposed to day and both these opposites
together constitute a whole day.
In the same way pleasure is always associated with pain.
If you want pleasure you are bound to have pain.
As well if you can accept pain with
pleasure it leads you to infinite God.
Forbearance to its maximum,
And if he chooses to take away all or
anything from it no you can’t you prevent him.