Fat Apollo is the light in the darkness of every geek's soul. Fat Apollo is both the voice of reason and the voice of ridiculousness. Fat Apollo is Halifaxes one true caped crusader. Fat Apollo is... Actually a pretty solid and upstanding guy whom the geek community has sort of latched onto as a personality, and "forced meme"d him into being "Halifamous". He uses this fame mainly to raise awareness about important causes and raise money for various charitable causes. He puts himself out there to talk to people about depression and other issues, and he offers sage advice stemming from his life full of experience and his deep pool of humor. If you ever get the chance, listen to the man tell a story. "Storytime with Fat Apollo" was one of the last panels at Hal-Con (before Geeks versus Nerds, and the closing ceremonies) in 2013, the panel room was packed solid, and nobody got up disgustedly and left once he started talking. He has lived some interesting and incredible experiences, and can tell a story like no other.