Mobilization doesn’t stop when a new global worker gets to the field. Some have said it should continue through the first year of field service. As mobilizers, we need tools to help stop the revolving door of new missionaries going to the field and then coming home for preventable reasons. Today, Dave interviews Carol Ghattas, author of the new book, When Serving Gets Tough. Visit our show notes to receive 25% off the book. It would make a great Christmas gift! Here’s what Dave asked Carol:
- What motivated you to write this book?
- Why do missionaries struggle? Are they not prepared for what they’ll face on the field?
- Are sending organizations missing something in their mobilization and training?
- How can your book be a good tool for mobilizers?
- Mobilizers are often having discipleship-type conversations with potential goers helping them to navigate God’s call on their lives. How important is calling and what advice would you have for mobilizers as they have these conversations?
- What topics or struggles do you cover in the book? Did you find it hard to limit them to thirty?
- Sometimes mobilizers may paint an overly positive picture of what life on the mission field will be like in the hopes to recruit more people. Is this harmful? If so, why?
- Could you share a story that illustrates why being honest about life on the missions field helps our mobilization efforts?