Interview with Brian Klass - Undifferentiated heavy lifting with AWS
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Questions answered in this episode
When did you start working with ColdFusion?
When did you do before working with ColdFusion?
Why are you using AWS with ColdFusion?
What was the first thing you started using AWS for?
What types of things are you doing in AWS?
- Video Pipelines
- Transcription and Translation
- Step functions
How many developers in your Team? Who does the AWS work?
You have a Blog Series on AWS Step Functions, tell us about it
Give us a rundown of where ColdFusion does its piece, and how does it hand off to AWS, and what roles do they perform?
Are you going to be speaking at CF Summit?
Try out the Free Tier from AWS, you could run a lot under the free tier.
My blog runs on AWS for only $0.53 cents a month.
AWS Conferences
- AWS Summit Conference are free, and all over the world.
- ReInvent is a huge conference with 60,000 plus people.
What’s the best way to get a hold of you?
Brian’s Blog -
Brian’s Twitter -
You can also find Brian on the CFML Slack