Burning House: The story of Brenna Bollinger a listener home town story.
Brenna was 23 years old when she was burned alive in her home in Fort Scott, Kansas. Her story touched my heart and I have wanted to share it for a little while now. I tried something a little different with this story. Thank you for letting me try out new ideas and being patient. But I am enjoying the process of learning to tell a story on YouTube.
A special thank you to Lindsay for sharing Brenna with me and helping me with my research.
House fire https://www.fstribune.com/story/17997...
There is help out there if you need it:
How you can help:
Consider donating to the YCC https://www.yccogden.org/
Or your local family crisis center
You can also make a donation to Shriners Hospital, the same one that Bryson stayed at while he was being taken care of for his burns.
Special thanks to Lindsay Conklin for sharing Brenna’s story with me.
Donate to Shriners Children Hospital https://donate.lovetotherescue.org/gi...
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