Guest Today is Jordie from @themodernminimalist! We are the Mom Mafia and we welcome you to spend an hour with us- kick back, unwind and maybe have a drink– because raising little people is hard and we want to help you make it easier- by giving you the two things we believe new moms need the most – Comedy and Community. To kick thing off, Loxie was totally cheap but actually loved it and shares that win. And Chelsea talks about what happens when she gets an Amazon alert that her husband just bought an item called “Pony Up, Daddy!” We were inspired to make up a game this week inspired by our guest, Jordie called “What the CRIKEY does that mean? While hanging with Jordie - we noticed she had different slang vernacular for baby related items so we asked her to prepare a list of terms that are unique to her homeland and have us guess what the term is in “America”. After Chelsea won the game, we got into our real topics for the day and first we had to figure out how Jordie ended up here in San Diego and what the process is like to move continents with two little people. She also explains some of the differences she has experienced between parenting/Mom culture (discipline, rules, food, etc). Then we got into travel, Jordie is a very brave woman and has great advice on traveling alone with 2 kids and how to master jet lag. Jordie also joined us for Mom Hacks- Loxie contributed another cheap hack but this time travel related. The Pledge: On my honor I will try to laugh at the fails, be real AF, “subscribe and follow Mom Mafia“ and that perfection is boring. Please follow us at @mommafianation, @theloxie & @styled_disturbed Here are the affliate links to the mentioned products: Pony Up, Daddy: Coconut Oil Hair Mask: Josie Maran Oil: Malin Goetz: AD: BREKKIE “Newsflash- I am not a morning person. so when my little person wakes up hangry, I am not in the mood to make anything harder than peeling a banana… but now I have found the healthy mini belly filling answer to my pre-coffee prayers! Brekkie overnight oats is dairy free and ready right out of the fridge. Its already ready! Just peel the seal, stir and enjoy. Britton’s favorite is the blueberry flavor and they have now become so much a part of the routine that she asks for them by name! Brekkie overnight oats- the dairy free, healthy convenient way to start the day!