This episode is about Yvonne, Carlos, and Benjamin Sisneros (Cisneros) who were brutally murdered while at home in Colorado Springs. Yvonne was 22 and Carlos & Benjamin were 4 and 2. An anonymous tip is called in hours after the murder. Did it lead investigators to the murderer? What monster could have done such brutal things to a mother and her children? Will we ever find answers or has the universe already punished the culprit? I would love to hear your theories on Facebook via the page Momma Kirby's Murder Mysteries or the private group Momma Kirby's Murder Mysteries - Fan Talk.
Please send case suggestions to [email protected] not facebook messenger, thank you!
Big thanks to 'Paula J' for suggesting this case. I appreciate you listening in. (Both spellings: Cisneros & Sisneros are used for the same family it is unclear which spelling is correct)