‘Between stimulus and response lies a space. In that space lie our freedom and power to choose a response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness’.
If you haven’t read Victor Frankl’s ‘Man’s Search For Meaning’ then it’s about time you did. A chilling recount about the realities of surviving in a concentration camp within which, finding meaning and recognising accomplishment were elements not only to be found, but to be considered essential for survival.
WIth that in mind, it's hard to understate the importance of finding meaning in the mundane, creating rituals and behaviours that lead to feelings of accomplishment and on this episode of the Podcast, Melissa Linke and I sat down to talk all about the power and self awareness that comes within that moment in time, right before a decision is made and a subconscious habit formed.
If there’s one thing Mel coaches, it’s the appreciation of the behaviours and habits we so often don’t even realise underlie our regular decision making and are ultimately responsible for the circumstances and positions we currently find ourselves in.
Want to change your life? Start evaluating your habits, your behaviours and look to deep dive into understanding what’s driving those 10,000 decisions you make each day without even realising.
I really enjoyed Mel’s perspective on coaching and habit tracking, and if you’d like to find out more about Mel and her approach, you can check out her 365 Lean program, or download her FREE habit kickstarter kit here: www.365leanhabits.com
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