Today we look at getting out of your head and overcoming your excuses. This is for any one who is struggling with finding time and needs a blunt realization it's all on you. When you take a hard inventory of the things you can change and realize the way you think of things can really change your day, you’ll get so much further in life. You want to increase your self worth, then actually increase your self worth. If you’ve NEVER accomplished anything in your life, then accomplish this. YOU can make it happen by adding daily efforts to yourself day after day no matter what season you’re in. Stop talking yourself out of your goals and being successful. "Oh but I’m a realist and not everything is going to be roses and rainbows. Nope, you’re right, but in 5 years from now that little cloud, is it going to matter? Probably not so why waste your thoughts and energy on it? I’m a realist too, and I know there are things that I no matter how positive I am about it, God will let me know if it’s the right time or not, and I have to see that. But you know what God has also given me? The ability to talk to him and understand that I have free will and that I can change some things." If you enjoyed today’s podcast, do me a solid and like/subscribe and share with others. If you’d like to see what I’m up to, head on over to the Motherfitpodcast instagram or Facebook for daily tips/insights and updates that I share throughout the week. Join in the conversation by tagging me or adding the #MfitTribe. And remember you are fit for your place in your life and journey. Until next time, take care of your health and mind.