"Glory" is a pertinent choice for Bill Foley’s 2nd film. They’re both great, but first I have to deal with the pandemic and racial controversies in the room. I habitually push through trauma and drama in real time, then deal. However, this routinely reflective rehab is in my current face. Admitting a profound affect as an artist does peel back a sensitive layer. The conflict and loss is intense and I am on my knees. 2020 has taken an unexpected course and we will adapt our original plan (as we have many in the vault). Each episode is designed to be relevant and timeless, even as life changes. This isn’t easy, but the process yields a desired result through shared composition that I can’t deny. It’s all that I can do in this life to reveal what I am about. Moving Music is a connecting bridge through the chronicle of another‘s personal story. We need each other. Like Ali said, "Me, We !!"
Bill’s 2nd film choice, "Glory", comes at this very poignant moment. His love of history, particularly the Civil War, has inspired me. Over the last 3 decades, I have learned so much about how to be, from my Fort Hayes brother Bill. He has helped teach me empathy for others, acceptance of what can’t be changed, and that love always wins. He often has been exactly what I needed, when I needed it. His voice lives within me and he still teaches me comprehension. Please, step inside with Moving Music once again as we reconvene with Bill Foley about "Glory", and everything else. TC