In April 2022, I attended a conference as an exhibitor. It was my first conference in years, and I delighted in setting up my table and sharing conversations with everyone who came through. This was the remaking of my business, moving toward what I want it to be. I laid the table as a sacred act, with my beautiful Carnelian Mala draped in golden hands of gratitude as the finishing touch. During the lunch break, someone took the Mala, which was precious to me and the beautiful day caved in on my solar plexus like a gut punch, even as I attempted to relinquish that material item as a token that someone else must have needed more than me. The next day, I was still affected, struggling to release the grip on my diaphragm. Playing the piano helps me to release and transmute, so I found a piano to move thru the emotion trapped in my body. These three pieces are what came. First to release the thief, then to bless, and finally to recognize myself within them. The final piece is some of the most exquisite music that has flowed from me. I’m often shy to share these, as I don’t know that anyone else will appreciate them as I do. But who am I to hoard them for myself either? So, I relinquish them now, so as not to thieve these from you any longer. This music is not mine, but the thief’s. Welcome to it.