In this thought-provoking episode, Harrison Keasey leads the discussion on the evolution of automotive technology and accessibility.
As autonomous vehicles become a reality, they promise convenience, safety, and efficiency. But how do these advancements impact individuals facing challenges?
Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, or simply curious about the future of transportation, this episode offers valuable perspectives. Tune in as we navigate the road ahead, guided by empathy, innovation, and a commitment to leaving no one behind.
Find out more about Project EDWARD here.
Project EDWARD have replaced the annual week of action with a strategically-planned year-round programme of activity, guided by this year’s theme – Data-driven actions for safe mobility. The programme will involve members of the EDWARD team working with key partners to facilitate events, symposiums, webinars, discussions, podcast episodes and online activity… with the specific aim of sharing examples of evidence-led good practice that supports the Safe System.