In the final episode of our mini series about getting back to driving in 2025, the sixth step we discuss is creating an action plan.
When do you want to get back driving again - put a date on it?
What might stop you achieving your driving goal?
How will you know you've been successful in reaching your driving goal?
What will you give yourself for being successful?
Write these down, along with any other thoughts, concerns, ideas and goals, and keep adding them to your journal as you work through your plan for getting back on the road.
Would you like to feature in a future Q&A podcast? Do you have a story that others might relate to? You can record a question about driving nerves or confidence that you would like us to answer on our Speak Pipe page. If you have a question, then there are likely to be others with the same or similar question so ask away and let's start helping more people to build their driving confidence!
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The Drive Calm Journal:
A Twelve-Week Prompt Journal for Anxious Drivers - available to buy in all formats on Amazon:
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Are you ready to stop the search on social media and start taking action to overcome your driving concerns? Our Nervous Drivers Calming Kit has the online tools and video guides you need to master your driving anxiety. Get immediate access, starting from just £27
Nervous Drivers Calming Kit:
Do you know that you would like some individual support from us, to create a personalised plan with our help and added accountability to take action? Then our Driving Confidence coaching will help, we offer four different levels of help to suit your needs.
One-to-One Driving Confidence Coaching:
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