I'm back! This time with tales of spooky and scary true crime from across the historical inner west of Sydney.
This episode contains an interview I gave at local Sydney radio station 2RRR FM in March to give listeners a run down of my books Dark Tales of Lost Leichhardt and Ten Walks of Terror (both available on my website - DarkTalesofLostLeichhardt.com and through local independent sellers Berkelouw Books Leichhardt and Better Read than Dead, Newtown.
Dark Tales of Lost Leichhardt is a true crime historical account of one of Sydney's oldest and most intriguing suburbs. It romps through highway robbers, terrifying larrikin gangs, domestic disquiet, unexpected spots and much much more....
Thanks to Natalie Smith, Timeslides @ 2RRR FM, ChielHabils and itheemk from Looperman for the samples.
Series 2 - Dark Tales of Lost Leichhardt and Beyond
Historical true crime accounts of Sydney's Inner West.
Find out more at DarkTalesofLostLeichhardt.com - Stay Spooky!
Historical true crime books - Local Walks - Sydney's Inner West