Teams create impact. Learning teams create lasting change and transform practice. So how can a group of educators move from simple collaboration to dynamic transformation? As part of an 8-part "Thought Leader" podcast series, join our conversation with Tracy Crow (Chief Strategy Officer, Learning Forward), Fred Brown (Deputy Executive Director, Learning Forward), Kellie Randall (Coordinator of Professional Learning, Cherry Creek Schools), and John Eyolfson (Assistant to Principal, Eaglecrest High School), as we explore how cycles of team learning can fuel collective efficacy. For those who may want to extend the learning evoked by the podcast, the following facilitation guide ( has been developed to help with next steps in deepening the shared learning. This series is brought to you in collaboration with Learning Forward, the only professional association devoted exclusively to establishing and sustaining highly effective professional development for educators. To learn more about Learning Forward, visit myPD Unplugged is a production of the Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development in Long Beach Unified School District.