Partially buried skeletal remains were uncovered while on an organized search for a missing boy back in December of 2018. Evangeline Jane Doe was found in a rural, grassy area in Ville Platte, Louisiana. The identity of this woman remains unknown. Forensic experts at LSU FACES were able to determine a few key points of her identity. However, no sketch for Evangeline Jane Doe has been made available thus far. Authorities have very little to go off, and the case has since gone cold. Further testing is available through public funding at the 501(c)3 non-profit, DNA Doe Project.
After a night of bingo, grandmother and mother Carolyn Riggins disappeared. 70-year-old Carolyn Riggins was last seen on July 11th, 2020 at the Watauga Road Bingo in the Fort Worth, Texas area. Carolyn had reportedly been on a winning streak that week and had scored a few winning pots the night she went missing. Authorities were able to establish a partial timeline. Her 2002 tan Lincoln Town Car was caught on camera on I35 driving north of her home and was time stamped for 5:30 AM on July 12th. Her family have created a Facebook page called “Finding Carolyn” for anyone that might have further information.
Scarlett (00:03):
Roy (00:03):
Hey, hello, and welcome to the mysteries of the by you podcast, where you are a true pod, true crime podcast. We're going to be focusing on, uh, cases that come out of Southwest Louisiana, Louisiana as a whole. And of course beyond we don't, we're not going to be totally locked into the area, but my name is Roy and this is Scarlet. Hello, Scarlet. How's it going? Pretty good. How about you? I'm good. Good. You know, I'm based in the Dallas Fort worth area. The reason for my passion for this is not only for the true crime part, but for the area is spent a lot of time down there and it's kinda my adopted hometown area. Uh, I love the people, the food, the culture. Um, there's nothing about it that I don't like. So I like to spend as much time down there as I can. And Scarlet is based in the, uh, you're out of the Lafayette area, correct?
Scarlett (00:59):
Correct. Yeah. I, um, uh, I, I grew up here and I'm back here and I second everything you just said, except for, I don't like the hurricanes, the mosquitoes and the audio, but you guys have a little bit of that yourselves too, so we're all kind of in the same boat.
Roy (01:14):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've had the, an extra dose of the hurricanes this year. It seems like I know that you've, uh, you've had two of them that you've dodged in the last month or so.
Scarlett (01:23):
Yeah. And guess what? We have some, I think there's a tropical storm, uh, midweek this week and we're almost in November, so
Roy (01:31):
Gosh. Yeah. They said it's been a while. I know we made it through our alphabet and then they started working on this, the Greek alphabet or some other kind of alphabet, but anyway.
Scarlett (01:43):
Roy (01:43):
Right, right. So I'm going to tell, you know, we'll both kind of tell our story on this episode. We want to, um, you know, why we got into this, why it's important for us. Uh, first a couple of things. Number one, you can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Google play, and Spotify. We have a website www dot mysteries of the, by you. We're on a Facebook Facebook page and a Facebook group. Eventually we hope to, you know, have enough followers and enough interest that we want to get into some group discussions. We also want you to reach out to us if you have a case submission ideas or especially if you have any information on something that we're talking about, um, you can, all, you can reach out to info at mysteries of the, by you or Roy or Scarlet, [email protected]. We'll be glad to answer you.
Roy (02:40):
Or, um, you know, on Facebook you can send us some meshes, whatever, whatever works best. But I got into this true crime. Um, w when I was a kid, there were three girls that went missing from a mall here in the Fort worth, in, in Fort worth and no trace of them ever. So there were some renewed interest. Um, probably, uh, two, three, four years ago, local guy did a podcast. And I thought it was really interesting because, you know, this is something that's been around with not much activity on it for the last 40 years. So there was another girl who unfortunately, a little bit older than me that was murdered in, uh, the same timeframe about 1974. And, uh, he also covered her case, brought a lot of renewed interest. And then lo and behold, about a month ago, um, the police actually, uh, saw, well, they think they solved the case.
Roy (03:40):
They arrested a guy, processed him. It was a new form of DNA that they were able to extract some, uh, uh, use a smaller amount of DNA and get more out of it. So it was unbelievable, but, uh, I think what, what I didn't understand at the time is that how it, especially in 2020, but how could people just fall off the face of the earth and never find a trace of them, never hear from them. It's unbelievable. And in some instances, um, it's people, the people and their vehicle both just disappear, never to be seen again. So really piqued my interest. And then the next thing, I started listening to a lot of different podcasts and it's like, Oh my gosh, this is so widespread across the U S it's it's rampant. I mean, people just go missing every day, never to be heard.
Roy (04:34):
So anyway, just peak my interest, not only from that investigative side, that, how does this happen, but also, you know, of thinking about how, how, how do families live with that? And so, you know, we want to be very, uh, family and victim focused. We aren't gonna victim shame, or we don't care about what their lifestyle was. It, uh, matters that they were a person and that there have either been killed or that they are missing. So we want to help as much as we can bring more information, there's never closure. So it's not like we're going to find closure for the family. Cause I don't think that happens, but, uh, you know, at least having the information to solve the mystery about what happened. And so that's kind of how I got into it and why I'm interested. Uh, Scarlet, what about yourself? What, what peaked your interest in true crime?
Scarlett (05:30):
Oh, well, that's a really great question. Um, you know, I know a lot of people that are involved in true crime, they have some kind of tacit, uh, connectional almost in a way that you do where you knew of someone or it happened in your hometown. And it, it kind of in a way, whether you were cognizant of, but not, it kind of shaped your life going forward, especially like you said, for these families that just don't have the closure. Um, but you know, it's, it's interesting. I read somewhere that, you know, um, there's a lot of interest in true crime cause it, it almost makes us feel a little bit safe in our own lives. It kind of gives us some control, you know, knowing what else, you know, these horrible things happen. Um, and it's out there and it gives us some kind of understanding, but again, like, you know, kind of second what you said, uh, I just so much sympathy for these families and, you know, especially doing something like this and you sit at your computer and you start to Google things, uh, you just see the, the frequency with which this happens and, you know, in your own town even.
Scarlett (06:28):
Um, so it just kind of broadens that, understanding that this really does happen to people. And then, you know, they have to figure out how logistically, you know, w what life is like and how to, you know, the aftermath and just the day-to-day and how challenging that could be.
Roy (06:42):
Yeah. And I like these, uh, the three girls that went missing, you know, their families have pushed this with the police. You know, the police can only go so far. There's, um, you know, they're clues and they run them down. But after a while, it's like, you know, where do we go from here? So the families have been really involved with keeping these investigations moving and then family and friends, and, um, you know, in the three girls that went missing, they actually, uh, last year, 2018, maybe they actually pulled some cars up from the bottom of a Lake thinking that they may have some something to do with it. Yeah. So it was a big undertaking, but one of the, uh, girls brothers, uh, you know, he's instrumental in keeping the Facebook page alive and keeping the stuff out there. So, you know, that's great.
Roy (07:31):
I hope that we can bring, uh, you know, a little bit of help to a family, you know, we're, we're starting out. So I'm gonna, you know, ask or beg mercy from the, you know, people that may see the show we're trying taping, um, on, uh, on zoom. So we can put it up on YouTube for you. But, um, we're gonna start with some fairly, uh, small cases that don't have a lot of information we're doing that just so we can find our footing on how we're going to be able to communicate and talk back and forth about these and make it interesting. We will try to keep these, um, you know, we'd like to do about a 30 to 45 minute episode, those tend to work best. And, uh, you know, just present the facts. We're not going to add a lot of color.
Roy (08:19):
Uh, w you know, we just want to present what we know as the facts. We don't want to speculate on what may or may not have happened. I don't think that's fair to families, especially of the missing, to speculate on all the bad things that could have happened to the individual, because, um, you know, I view it as my family, that somebody was missing. Uh, you know, we're going to hold out hope, even though at some point you have to give in to the realization, they may not come back alive, but you always want to hold out the hope until, you know, for sure. So, you know, we don't want to speculate on all the bad things that may have happened. We just want present the facts and say, Hey, if you've seen these people, or if you saw something, you know, reach out to law enforcement, get them involved. And, um, even if you think it's something tiny or, um, have no, you know, of no value, let them make that determination because they may be able to put it together with another clue, uh, you know, one in one equal two, and it may, it may, uh, you know, it could be the thing that turns an investigation. You just never know.
Scarlett (09:26):
Yeah. And I'm so glad that we're doing this, uh, you know, via video, because I'm hoping that, you know, we go to Walmart or something, eventually enough people, you know, we'll see our faces and maybe they'll, uh, when that'd be great, if they just, you know, you're in the shopping line at Walmart and says, Hey, I watched your book. I listened to your podcast. And I got, you know, got this, you know, case or this information or this family member, how cool would that be? Right.
Roy (09:49):
Right. Yeah. That's the best, the best thing that could happen is we find out that somebody listened to the show and what it was able to, you know, help solve something. Uh, you just never know, uh, part of it is the, it's a game of numbers. It's the more people that put the message out to the bigger audience, the, that it gets to the better chance of, uh, you know, having a break in a case that that's the great thing about this day in time is, you know, used to, you saw you had a local newspaper and, um, the story ran there. And if you didn't read that, or if you weren't in that area, you may not really know. But today, um, you know, this show has been, uh, you know, we've been trying to get the show off the ground for about a year and just been some setbacks here and there.
Roy (10:37):
But even over that time, we've had visitors to our website, into the podcast from all over the world. So it's such, it's such an awesome thing to have that kind of a reach. So, you know, we're excited and, uh, what we're going to do. I think at least the first couple episodes, like I said, we've got a, we're going to go over two cases, each one, uh, they're sparse details. So we're not going to be long and in-depth into each one, but this way, uh, you know, it just, uh, gives a chance to, to families, to maybe, uh, to get some answers. So unless you have anything else, you just want to jump right in.
Scarlett (11:18):
I miss, I wish I had a better icebreaker. I, um, you know, just encouraging me. I, I, I do have a, not to sensationalize it in any way. Um, but you know, you mentioned the seventies, you know, a case, you know, that this kind of inspired your true crime. Um, my mom had a Ted Bundy's story around mid seventies. Yeah. And it shouldn't, we shouldn't lead with that. The, and the hook or something really short stories. She went to school in, uh, Pocatello, Idaho. And, uh, he happened, he had the cast and he was at this kind of a local watering hole bar. It was just college kids. It's a real small town. Everybody knew each other. And he said, hi, I'm Ted. And he was kind of strange. And he had a cast and everybody remembered him because it was just, he struck out he wasn't a part of the college crowd. So how crazy is that? Six degrees everyone's I think he started talking to enough people. They might have one of these crazy stories. It's like six degrees of Ted or something in that time period.
Roy (12:14):
Yeah. Yeah. That's for sure about the six degrees. Uh, you know, that's one thing I always, uh, talking to new people, you always try to find that connection and it, it's always amazing that, uh, there's always something, maybe an event or a person, but usually you can find some kind of common ground there. All right. Well, let's jump into this one. Um, this is one that's been kind of bugging me for probably the better part of a year. Now. It is the, um, it comes out of evangelism parish in Louisiana, and it it's basically called the, uh, evangelism parish, Jane DOE. And what happened was in 2018, December, 2018, there were some remains found of a young lady and they still haven't been identified. And kind of the backstory we'll get into is that, um, the way that this, uh, the skeletal remains were found, what are that? Um, there was a missing child in the area. And, um, so the police over in Ville Platte, or called out to search for this child, and as they're searching, they, um, come across these bones and you, you know, a little bit more about the, uh, the, um, the child they were searching for. You have a little information on that, don't you?
Scarlett (13:38):
Yeah. Um, you know, it's always horrible when a child goes missing. So naturally, uh, this was an all man on board. You know, they had four wheelers, they had people on horses. They even the Cajun Navy, uh, even came out to lend a hand in the search and rescue, but the child was found, uh, it was, it looked like a runaway case. And so child was found safe. So that that's good. And unfortunately, this, they happened to stumble upon these remains of this, you know, person, unfortunately.
Roy (14:10):
Yeah. And while you brought them up, it's probably good that we'll just stop for a minute and, uh, say, well, why would the Navy be involved in a search that was that far in, but, uh, if you've never been to, yeah, yeah. Now they're, they're great. They help out a lot. And even through these last hurricanes, they were a big help evacuating and looking for people. But in this particular area, there are a bunch of rice fields that are flooded rice fields, crawfish farms. So anyway, there is a lot of water around as well. So if I'm also, so they found these remains, they were partially buried. They were in a green space by a barn. It it's from I've read. It said it was kind of out in the middle of nowhere, but it was basically, there were some, uh, another house close to it. And they said that the neighbor that lived there at the time was known to have interaction with high risk women. And, you know, I think that's important because
Speaker 3 (15:12):
Roy (15:13):
In a small area, like evangelism parish, it was all over the news. So I feel very strongly that had this young lady been missing from that area. It would have been solved immediately, but it just makes you believe that maybe she was from a different area and whether she was in this area voluntarily, or whether she had been trafficked to the area. We don't know. But again, the impetus for us wanting to do this show is because if this young lady came from outside of the evangelism parish, or, you know, even the South, what that region of Southwest Louisiana, this is where we're hoping if you have someone that, you know, of friend or family that's missing, that kind of fits into this age group or a range that, you know, you may, um, be a good thing to check with the authorities, just to see if it happens to be that
Speaker 3 (16:11):
Roy (16:11):
She, um, uh, so the, the, some of the other information, she was about 20, uh, she had been there, they think for about five to 10 years and, uh, they speculate that her age was 25 to 35 at the time of discovery. So kind of applying a little bit of simplistic math to that. You would think that her current age today would have been probably in the 32 to 47 range. So if, if you know, somebody who was missing that may be in that, you know, 32 to 47 that went missing, uh, when would that have been, you know, maybe 2008 to 2013, that kind of fits that timeframe? Um,
Speaker 3 (17:02):
She was, uh,
Roy (17:05):
They, uh, speculate that she was of mixed descent, probably of, uh African-American and, uh, French Cajun, uh, origin, if I'm not mistaken, when I was going to put this up, sorry about that. I was gonna, uh, I'm gonna put up a little, we're gonna try this and see what it comes out like on our recording. But, um, this is some of the information that we found here on the evangelism parish, Jane DOE, uh, yeah, she was of mixed Cajun French and African descent, female in, um,
Speaker 3 (17:46):
So one
Roy (17:47):
Thing else we did, we reached to the Louisiana state police, uh, of course it's an ongoing investigation, so they were not willing to either provide us with more information or, you know, we did offer them a chance to come on and talk with this. And again, uh, because it's an ongoing investigation and I think that's something that we have both, uh, come to terms with a few of the other cases that we've been investigating, basically the same thing. So a lot of times we're going to be able to provide to you information that we found, um, doing internet searches, just because of the, uh, thirties, uh, you know, they need to hold some of this information close just in case they, uh, do make an arrest that, uh, it, it makes it a little more difficult when some information is out in the public. They like to hold it and that way they can use it in interrogation.
Scarlett (18:48):
Yeah. And, um, I know that we had talked about this pre show. Um, you know, and I'm just so curious that, so it looks like, you know, they, they reported that they found a skull with possibly some teeth. And then, um, you made the, you know, you brought up the thought that if it's she's, you know, they were able to tell that she was female, possibly they found other remains the pelvis, uh, and whatnot. Um, you know, I wish we, you know, too bad. We're not, we don't have any forensic knowledge. I I'm just so curious, you know, how much is needed to do, um, one of these facial reconstructions, you know, how, how much DNA, how much, how much goes into that originally, we don't have those answers. Um, but unfortunately with this case, uh, they weren't able, or they haven't been able to, or they're working or they're backlog, but there there's no image to match this report.
Roy (19:38):
Yeah. And I had read that they have sent the remains to LSU and, uh, LSU has an awesome program where they do some facial reconstruction. I'm sure that they are, you know, trying, uh, the other thing that's really popular now is, uh, looking at DNA and going backwards is because if I'm just like myself, if something happened to me, they looked at my DNA. Um, if I don't have any in the system and it can get that way, you can get in the system a lot of ways, either through a criminal convictions, it can get there through, um, I think some military police school districts. So there's a lot of ways that your DNA can get in the system, but when somebody is found, they can't do, they can't match their DNA. So what they can do now is they will kind of start working it backwards to see if they can find some relatives and then narrow it down that way.
Roy (20:36):
And kind of how that works is, uh, like myself, I've gone through, uh, uh, Google 23 and me, but people cannot access, uh, DNA there to do a comparison. So there are a couple of other services. One of them that I'm aware of is it's Jed match GED match. And basically if you upload your DNA there, you're given the authorities the, uh, permission to, you know, try to match it against these unknown cases in that way. It may even if it, you know, if it wasn't me, it may be, uh, you know, they may find somebody that it links close to me. And then, you know, they start the conversation. Is it, you know, brother, sister, father, mother, child, or, you know, they can, our cousin, you know, they start seeing how far away you are, uh, uh, I guess, of a match to this particular DNA.
Roy (21:32):
And then they can kind of start down that path of figuring out who it may have been. And it's funny because that's actually how the, uh, the 46 year old case that they just solved here in Fort worth. That was part of how that happened was, you know, they found a way to work with this, uh, smaller bit of DNA. And, uh, they matched it to the guy's brother actually. So, you know, they got a match through the, uh, through Jed match, I think. And then they said, well, um, it come up, it comes up as one of these three brothers, we just don't know who, so then they started taking their DNA into, got a positive match on it. So very interesting. The technology that we have today.
Scarlett (22:19):
Yeah. W I was just going to say, since you brought up Jed match, that was also, you know, gained a lot of notoriety for the golden state killer Joseph Dangelo was, um, they used family DNA and were able to place him, you know, bring him his DNA to the crime scene as well. So it's just interesting.
Roy (22:37):
So anyway, um, if you have, you know, if you have a loved one that's missing, if you have any more information, uh, you know, if you were in the area at the time and maybe know more about this person, uh, you know, this, uh, young lady who she may have been, where she might've been from, please reach out to either, uh, the veal plat, um, police department. You can reach out to the Vangelis parish Sheriff's department, or the Louisiana state police is involved. So, uh, just reach out to one of those and, uh, you know, please let them know what, you know, it may be able to help solve this and at least give, uh, give her a name.
Roy (23:18):
All right. If nothing else we'll move on to the next one, this one here. Uh, actually we just paired it, uh, with this other shorter case, it's really not out of, uh, Southwest Louisiana, but it is very current. And that's why, it's why we felt the need to go ahead and put it out. This, this lady is actually missing from the, uh, Fort worth Texas area. Her name is Carolyn Riggins, and she is age 70, about five, nine, and about 200 pounds. So, um, basically she was, uh, at a bingo hall playing bingo at the, and then just turned up missing. And they, this, she eventually, she went missing from on July 11th. So it's been, um, we're going on big, going on three months now.
Speaker 4 (24:17):
Roy (24:17):
Yeah. She, uh, let's see, she was last seen July 11th, around 10:30 PM at the Watauga road. Bingo, for those familiar, with the area that's at, uh, mid cities Boulevard and, um, roof, snow area think they caught her. She was on camera at the bingo parlor. And then also they saw her car driving by the convenience store that was up on the corner. They really didn't see that she was the one driving, but they did. Uh, they did see the car go by. So, uh, by, you know, accounts from people there that she had one, uh, several jackpots that night and, uh, on the days leading up to that, that she had won, uh, some, some other smaller pots. So they feel like that she may have had a lot of cash on her, or if somebody had been watching her, they felt like that she had a, um, had a lot of cash with her. Uh, she was last, seen her car is a tan
Speaker 4 (25:19):
Or pewter. I've read both,
Roy (25:22):
Uh, on this flyer. It says tan 2002 Lincoln town car, Texas license plate, C
Speaker 4 (25:27):
E G B one four five three C G B one four five three.
Roy (25:34):
Uh, this poster is off of the, uh, find Carolyn, uh, Facebook page. There's also an Instagram page. And then, uh, finding Carolyn at, um, Twitter as well. They also have a website set up so you can send, uh, if you have any information, send it to [email protected]. There is a $5,000 reward for, uh, tips leading to find her, you know, this is kind of a kind of strange number one. I know the area of very well. Um, so, you know, I, I can place exactly where this bingo place is while she may have come out of there. Uh, what's bizarre though, is that, that I have read that she was there, like at 10 30 at night and left, and her car was seen early the next morning, about 30 miles North of there, uh, on our 35 in Denton, Texas at the highway three 80 interchange.
Roy (26:36):
So, um, again, it was just picked up on a license scan, so there's no picture who was driving the car, but, um, yeah, it's just, uh, it's certainly sad for the family again, uh, uh, us had messaged, uh, one of the family members. They were, um, at the time we had talked, they were still setting up, uh, they were a new search for some wooded areas that were behind this, uh, being go parlor. So they were kind of involved in that and I don't think they really had the time to give us, so, uh, hopefully we'll try to catch back up with them because, uh, it was her sister. I would love to have her on as a guest and talk to her more about this. Um, there were really not much else there have been no transactions on any of her cards, our credit report.
Roy (27:32):
Um, she did have her purse, but she didn't have her cell phone as for some reason she'd left it at home. So, uh, the, she does take medication that she does not have. So, um, then, you know, that's another reason why the family is desperately trying to find her because it's been so long. The, um, that's really about all I know, but because it was timely, you know, we felt like that, uh, from looking at the distribution of listeners that we've had in the past, you know, we do have a pretty good crowd out of the DFW area. So we felt like it would be, uh, you know, worth, at least mentioning this, to see if we can generate some information for the family.
Scarlett (28:23):
Yeah. Um, I guess just one thing to add, and again, um, this is possible. So on the Facebook page, someone had, uh, you know, maybe it could be a lead, maybe not a lead, maybe just something to think about in the background. Uh, if anyone's thought of maybe checking, uh, WinStar casino, it's, uh, North of Denton, if she had been, you know, if the bingo parlor had closed or her maybe not even her or whoever maybe was driving that vehicle that they pinged at 10:30 PM, or I'm sorry, 5:30 AM on July 12th the next day. Possibly it was on its way to the casino.
Roy (28:59):
Yeah. That casino is just across the red river in Oklahoma. So yeah, that, that is definitely a possibility. And you know, this is, uh, one of the cases, again, you know, as we said, I said in the beginning, don't want to speculate because there there's so many things that could have happened. And, uh, you know, what we're hoping is that they can still bring her home alive, but the, um, this is kind of the, kind of, one of those interesting parts is that, uh, they have not found the car either. So how does the, you know, how does Carolyn and the car go missing and not be seen for three months? Because, um, you know, generally even if the car had been abandoned, you know, the, they run the plates, they figure out, at least we have that. So another thing that I know that the family has been doing is looking along, uh, you know, 35 going towards that casino to see, uh, you know, if there's ditches that a car could have run off in that you couldn't see them or bodies of water that it might have gone into as well.
Roy (30:04):
Um, and that happens, um, again, you would think in a huge metropolitan area like this, that that's an impossibility, but I'll tell you it's not actually a ride out here, uh, close to my house about, uh, well, it's been a few months ago. It was back during the summertime. There was a car, two people in it. They had just run off of, um, a major interstate, but they hit down into a ditch and a culvert at just the right angle that you could not see them from the road bed. So about two, three days later, there's a guy has a flat tire running down the road, pulls over and just happens to pull over right on top of this vehicle. And, um, you know, he looked down and saw him and unfortunately one of the gentlemen passed away. The other was saved. But, uh, you know, again, it's stranger things have happened that you can run off the road in a huge metropolitan on the major highway that, you know, has thousands of cars going over to every day and still not be seen.
Scarlett (31:16):
Right. And I just so much sympathy for her family. You know, I can't imagine something like this, you know, she was a mother and a grandmother and just not really having the answers of, you know, what happened that night.
Roy (31:29):
Exactly. Exactly. So if you have any information, uh, we'll just kind of recap if you have any information on Carolyn K Riggins, again, she's missing out of Fort worth, Texas since, uh, July 11th of this year, 2020. And then, um, the other case that we covered is the oops, the evangelists and Jane DOE, uh, she was found in, uh, evangelism parish. I'm sorry. Yeah. Ville Platte. Yeah. Veal plaid in evangelism parish, uh, Louisiana, uh, she was found in 2018, but they suspect again that she had been there for, uh, five to 10 years and they, uh, estimated her age to be about 25 to 35 when she went missing. So, um, if you have any information on that, please again, reach out to the proper authorities and let's see if we can, uh, help solve one of these two cases. That's really all I've got. Um, again, uh, we're going to kind of find our way through this been interesting, uh, also using new technology, like I said, uh, we had, uh, anticipated doing the audio for the podcast for sure. But then we, uh, decided to try to couple it with the recording and, uh, try to put it up on YouTube as well. We'll see, uh, see how that goes. And if you have, uh, something nice to say, please reach out and let us know. Don't, don't be mean we're still,
Scarlett (33:04):
We're trying, we're gonna figure it out.
Roy (33:07):
But, uh, yeah, if you have some, uh, positive critiquing, please let us know. Uh, you know, we want to make the show interesting where people want to listen. Uh, and we also want to, you know, try to help help these families as much as we possibly can to so anything we can do along those realms, if you have any case submissions, please reach out to one of us. Uh, um, [email protected] or [email protected], or you can hit us on either Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, um, uh, yeah, we will be up on LinkedIn, uh, but also, um, Instagram be sure and reach out.
Scarlett (33:50):
Yes, we do dove Nido wing doves as well. We take down and smoke, so smoke mail as well or anything we're connected on everything.
Roy (33:57):
Exactly. Yeah. And, uh, Scarlet just met awesome, uh, technology. She just messaged me like, Hey, you forgot something here. Definitely. Uh, you know, we're just starting out. And so w we want to have a mission to help other businesses as they're starting out. We've. Um, the first one again, is up here in the Dallas Fort worth area. It just happened to be going to another place to eat last weekend, drove by an old, uh, farmer's market. And lo and behold, they had turned it into the Cajun, a Cajun market in Colleyville, Texas. So, um, went in, talked to the Phil and Debra, really nice people there got me some Bhutan and some cracklin. So it was, uh, it was really good. Uh, he had some good product and, uh, that's one thing I miss about not living in Louisiana. And the Southwestern part is the, uh, the Bhutan.
Roy (34:57):
I could, I could eat that stuff every day. So it was nice to find a place. And, uh, yeah, if you're a new business that has anything to do with the Southwest Louisiana area, also reach out to us. We'd love to drop a plug in for you and, uh, you know, try to help try to help these new businesses has gotta be tough with the COVID and everything that's going on. Starting a new business is tough any day of the week, but with the COVID on top of that and everything that's going on, I'm sure that it's even more difficult. So we want to get out patronize them and, uh, you know, show a little love for, for these guys for sure.
Scarlett (35:34):
Roy (35:38):
All right. So before we go, Scarlet, do you have anything else?
Scarlett (35:43):
Uh, no. Just, I want to thank everybody for listening and, you know, think our family, I hope they're listening as well as the whole movie. You know, few fan base are already at least. Hi dad.
Roy (35:56):
We got our, we got our two followers already. Yup. All right. Well until next time I'm Roy I'm Scarlet. Y'all be careful. Be careful out there.