A story of interwoven lives, deaths, and strangers, October’s Suicides follows the tragic night of Melinda’s planned death. With her finger on the trigger of her ex-boyfriend’s gun, she recalls her father’s smiling face from earlier that day. However, her father was murdered 5 years prior and the kind expression belonged to a stranger who helped her on the last day of her life.
Unbeknownst to Helios, his generosity may have shifted the fate of the desperate girl in the grocery store that afternoon. Unfortunately, he can’t remember his grocery list or the name of the young man in the Subway polo that helped him change a flat tire earlier that afternoon.
Leo struggles with his new found homelessness and tries not to cry as he fills orders at Subway. Brought out of his sorrow by a compassionate voice from a customer, the two explore their troubled pasts and confess more than they ever have before.
Hilda wakes up from a close-call overdose of prescription narcotics to confront the inner nightmares that have followed her for years. On her first day of sobriety, she decides to offer her shoulder to cry for a young man lost in his own life. As her night begins, without the pills, she continues to transform her life, making decisions she should have made years ago.
“October’s Suicide” was written and performed by Gabriel N Elizondo.
Music and effects provided by Epidemic Sound.
Narratives with Gabriel N Elizondo is a Crowne & Coil Production All written content and performances are exclusive properties of Crowne & Coil Productions.
For additional content, a full list of featured songs in this episode, and to connect with Gabriel, please visit www.gabrielnelizondo.com
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