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By Bill Hoey
44 ratings
The podcast currently has 119 episodes available.
Moral relativism is one of the primary underlying causal factors for the U.S. migrant crisis and the proliferation of the defund the police propaganda. When people
In this episode I will discuss topics such as, the America mainstream media is the worst in the world and that is saying a lot; the migrant crisis in the U.S. is due to the underlying causal factors of cause and effect; every American is responsible for the MC in some way; the composition of these migrants is mostly refugees of
The scientific law of cause-and-effect reigns supreme. Many people are disconnected in their thoughts as to how causes and the ensuing effects really work. One of the reasons for this is people’s inability to observe and discover for themselves. Free will choices create the world we live in. All of the problems in our society are due to free will choices. Free will is in our DNA; this is not a metaphor.
Human nature is about the reception of information and the use of memory storage to guide thoughts and behaviors. Human emotions drive what people care about which also guides behaviors. Most people in the freedom movement do not want to take responsibility for their participation in the destruction of America and the world. I think the freedom movement is the biggest problem. These are the people who have the knowledge and do not want to teach NL to the public via mass - communication. Some of the reasons this podcast does not draw large numbers of listeners is because many people may think it is boring. However, I think one of the reasons this podcast is not popular is because, since day one of this podcast, four years ago, I have been saying that "we the people" are the problem, not just the ruling class. The ruling class cannot do what they do without the cooperation of the masses. The ruling class is able to do what they do because people in the freedom movement want to externalize their responsibilities and make excuses for order followers.
People must begin to understand the difference between righteous self - defense and non - righteous self - defense. When a person initiates aggression and the aggressor is confronted physically, the aggressor can defend themselves. However, the aggressor is not using righteous self - defense. In America and around the world, the definition of self - defense is obscured; furthermore, what constitutes an initiation of aggression is not universal. In addition, we must begin to confront order followers if we are to get more freedom.
Natural law is the combination of cause and effect and physical laws. When someone initiates physical harm to another, the victim will suffer. The act is violence (the violation of initiation). The victim will have less freedom. If a victim is physically harmed that will affect the victim's ability to make certain free will choices because the victim will have to attend to their injuries. Depending on the extent of the injuries, the victim may have almost no freedom due to their incapacitated state. It does not matter what the aggressor and their supporters call the violent act. It does not matter whether the perpetrator and the supporters think the violent act was necessary. The results are the results (violence, suffering and less freedom); this is law.
The reason our world is a slave world is because of natural law. The law of cause and effect will give us the results we deserve. Our world, with all of the violence, suffering and subjugation, is a reflection of what we value. It is also a reflection of the disconnections between what we say we want and how we behave. We say we want freedom, but then advocate for taxation because we receive certain benefits from this nefarious practice.
In this episode, I will talk about climate engineering programs, the recent protests and how this relates to NL, and I will begin to discuss human nature. Many people think that the violence, suffering, slavery and self - destruction is human nature. This is not true. It certainly does appear like this is so. However, true human nature is intelligence. Intelligence requires information. We are not getting the right information. When garbage information is received, the result will be garbage behaviors.
I am going through transition in my life right now. It is getting harder to survive with the debasement of the U.S. Dollar (inflation) via the Federal Reserve Banking system in conjunction with the U.S. support of overseas conflicts and the economic backlash from the lockdowns. People need to understand that there is more to establishing a free society than just voting for some political windbag that says whatever the idiot populace wants to hear to get elected or selected. The populace has to become knowledgeable of objective moral laws / cause and effect. Without this, even if some politicians want to do some good things, the power structure can just remove them or marginalize them and the society descends into violence, suffering and slavery. This has happened before in U.S. - CIA led coups in various foreign countries. There are some politicians in two U.S. States that are standing up to the massive pollution in the skies. They are drafting bills that oppose climate engineering programs. This will only work if more people become informed about these programs and demand an end to the pollution in the skies.
I am going to work for an employer full time. This will make it difficult for me to devote the same amount of time I set aside to do the great work of trying to end human slavery. In this episode, I will discuss the lack of information concerning the underlying causes and effects which govern the direction of our society into slavery. Yes, I said govern; laws govern the results of human behaviors. Laws govern and humans initiate violence.
The podcast currently has 119 episodes available.