In this episode I will discuss topics such as, the America mainstream media is the worst in the world and that is saying a lot; the migrant crisis in the U.S. is due to the underlying causal factors of cause and effect; every American is responsible for the MC in some way; the composition of these migrants is mostly refugees of
U.S. destroyed lands; some of these migrants are violent mostly non - politically sanctioned gang members that are committing horrendous crimes; a large number
of these migrants are members of intelligence agency created groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda and Isis; American violence spread abroad with the consent
of the willfully ignorant American population is the main underlying causal factor; the enforcement by American police (especially in NJ where I am from) of firearms rules called laws prohibiting possession and carry create the
environment for migrant gangs and intelligence agency creations to impose their will on American citizens; American police follow immoral orders to allow
violent crimes to occur; the belief in human rulership is an underlying causal factor; most people only want a savior to solve the symptoms of the migrant crisis and do not want to examine their thinking, behaviors, values and the