In this episode of Nerd Rage, Scurvy J changes his name to Fisty J, Steve talks about using odd things as photo developers, Ert is scoffed by his assertation of masculinity by Max, and Max talks about Microfiche, some kind of old-timey technology. I think the Sumerians used gnomes to make it. Scientific Method is discussed, cycles are discussed, and we muse on our listenership - Thanks Gary and his friend or two!
A Bad Lib is made with an oddly accurate description of Michael J Fox. Lastly, to make sure we're on the Bleeding Edge of what's hip on the interwebs, we talk about Pudding Farts. Laughs are had, Pokemon Ripoffs are discussed in great detail, and Sexy Losers is fondly remembered. Our e-mail address is [email protected].
Beer makes editing fun!