"Acceptance doesn't change the circumstances, or the people around you, but it does change your perspective, which in turn, changes everything."
Episode 7
The mind is a seriously powerful thing. While we can't control all the things, all the time -- we can absolutely change how we react to any of the things, any of the time. The difference between a tolerable day, and a terrible day, could hinge on your ... perspective! With enough practice of shifting your perspective, you can turn any day into a good one, no matter what happens. The first step in doing this one weird trick is to learn the art of acceptance. Mind you, accepting any given situation (especially the really bad ones) doesn't mean you're "giving up" on it. When you can see the situation for what it really is, and acknowledge it without resistance, you can use your situation (even the really bad ones) to your advantage. And suddenly, a bad day is tolerable; and a tolerable day is actually pretty great! One more thing: if you understand that you can't control the people around you, you'll also understand that they can't control YOU, either. The power is truly yours!
In the Q&A this week, we help a friend utilize this technique in his sexless marriage, and arm him with the tools to make sure everyone has their needs fulfilled.
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