Have you ever struggled with yo-yo dieting. Every time you got excited and worked hard doing the latest fad you nailed it!... And then let it go only to have to do it all over again??If so Katrina has your back ;)
In our interview today she opens up about her history of yo-yo dieting and how she transitioned her focus away climbing a fitness ladder to realizing that all of this "exercise and healthy eating" must become part of who she is and what she does every week.
We delve deep into her low carb diet, training routine and her top tips!
Katrina's 3 resources:
Surround yourself with healthy, fit people.
Do your research! Don't just do what worked for your friend... We all need to find our own perfect match.
Find whatever it is that is DRIVING you. You must find your own internal motivation to stay focused and committed for the long term.
If you have had or are going through a transformation and are open to sharing your experiences I would love to interview! Please contact me at [email protected].
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