In this episode, we speak with Earl Carr, Chief Global Strategist at Pivotal Advisors and editor of the September 2021 book, 'From Trump to Biden and Beyond: Reimagining US-China Relations'. Earl was previously a Vice President at the Institute for Sustainable Investing at Morgan Stanley and serves on numerous boards, including The Association for Diplomatic Studies & Training and The Global Institute of Financial Professionals. Earl is a member of The National Committee on United States-China Relations, Black China Caucus, and also serves as a Senior Advisor to Engage Asia. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, and conversant in Japanese and Spanish.
Earl weaves Chinese, Jamaican, Panamanian, and New York identities to build bridges in important ways. This is an eclectic episode where we cover climate infrastructure investment in Africa from US and Chinese financial institutions, the availability of climate-friendly Chinese investment products to US investors and vice versa, and the importance of cross-border collaboration.
Relevant links:
From Trump to Biden and Beyond: Reimagining US-China Relations:
Earl Carr’s LinkedIn:
Earl Carr’s Twitter:
在本期播客中,我们采访了Pivotal Advisors的全球首席策略师——厄尔·卡尔(Earl Carr)。值得一提的是,他参与编撰的新书《从特朗普到拜登:超越与重新构想中美关系》已于2021年9月出版。此前,他曾担任摩根士丹利可持续投资研究所副总裁,并在许多董事会任职,其中包括外交研究与培训协会和全球金融专业人士协会。厄尔不仅是美中关系全国委员会(The National Committee on United States-China Relations)和Black China Caucus的成员,还担任了Engage Asia的高级顾问。厄尔不仅能说一口流利的普通话,同时也精通日语和西班牙语。
《从特朗普到拜登:超越与重新构想中美关系(From Trump to Biden and Beyond: Reimagining US-China Relations)》:
Earl Carr的个人领英主页:
Earl Carr的推特主页: