2020 is drawing to a close, so it's time for Isolation Station to look back and ponder the challenging year that put us in Isolation Station to begin with! J. Sean and Tyler review clips from all of our wonderful guests and chat about where we were at the beginning of the pandemic shut down in March, and where we're at now (perspective-wise) in our Christmas shutdown! Multitudinous thanks to our beautiful guests: Al Braatz, Christine Devine, Kelly Holiff, Greg Pember, Trevor Campbell, Julia McLellan & Mike Cox, Stephen Patterson, Andrew Prashad, Laura Mae Mason, David Warrack, Zoe Heath & Jake Simons, Caden Douglas & Michael Lomenda, Cameron Francis, & Jenni Burke! So much love to all of you from J. Sean and Tyler here at Isolation Station! We will be back with more chats from the Station in 2021! Keep smiling, keep wearing your mask, and keep safe!