This episode is dedicated to Tug.
I know this is typically an anti-pet podcast, but I (Angela) have spent the last few weeks worried about my dog Tug. When this episode was recorded I was sure there was going to be a cure for whatever was wrong with him. Just before sitting down to write this episode description I received a call that Tug got 15 pounds of fluid drained from his abdomen and the vet still does not know what is wrong with him. They aren't running any more tests. At this point we are just hoping for the best.
Tug is my best friend and favorite being to ever exist. The first night I had him he fell asleep on my lap, belly up and I cried because I had never felt a love like that. That first night he slept in my bed and took up most of it. The next morning he woke me up at 5 AM and took a big sh*t in the corner of the room. I was annoyed, but I knew nothing he could do could make me stop loving him. To this day, the first thing I do when I see him is sit down on the floor so he can lay down in my lap, belly up.
Tug is the biggest love of my life. Since I got that first phone call telling me he was sick whenever I think about him it's like I can feel him. I can feel his muzzle being held in my hand right before I give him a smooch on the nose. I can feel his back pushed up against me as we lay on the kitchen floor, him the little spoon and me the big.
He is 12 or 13 now, I really can't remember. But I will always remember how much comfort he brought me and how much love he taught me I was capable of giving.
I am sorry that I do not have anything funny to say. I just had to tell someone, anyone, how much I love my dog.