Have you noticed the cooler temperatures in the morning? Or maybe you’ve noticed clusters of pumpkins and mums pop up all over your neighbors front yards? Or heard the supernatural by Stevie Wonder’s playing in the background of your local starbucks as you notice everything on their menu is pumpkin flavored. Or perhaps you, like me, have done what my husband considers the most basic thing in the world.... Gone out and bought fall scented candles? That’s right. It’s officially Spooky Season or Halloween Eve! And if you’re like us it’s one of your favorite times of the year! We are very excited about what we have going on for the month of October. We hope the episodes this month fit in as a perfect compliment to your October activities.
Ok enough suspense! For the episodes in the month of October we have not only visited four haunted locations but we have been a part of ghost investigations while there. So during each of this month's episodes we'll share the history of these places and the people that originally occupied them, discover the reasons many believe these locations are haunted and best of all we took friends! So you’ll get to hear about these experiences from a variety perspectives and hear some familiar voices and meet some new folks that support Sarah and I in all our creepy adventures and love us even if our internet search histories are in fact monitored by the CIA, FBI, or any other government agency that may suspect we are secretly a tag team of serial killers.
So, make a salt circle to sit in and grab your pumpkin spice lattes. Today we are starting off with the Belvior Winery; former home to the Odd Fellows!