As you follow these podcasts, one of the pictures you will be starting to form about NLP is its expansive nature. As we apply NLP in our lives, we get to expand our notion of what is possible for humans to achieve.
In NLP, we emphasise ways of being, thinking, and doing, that increase growth, choice, possibility, personal responsibility, and ultimately, personal power. Together, they can be seen as the characteristics of what Carol Dweck a Professor of Psychology at Stanford University calls, the growth mindset. This expansive mindset stands in contrast to a fixed mindset which is characterized by resistance to change, fighting to keep the status quo, limiting choice, blame, and helplessness.
In this episode, we’ll continue to explore two more fantastic NLP Presuppositions that ultimately show us the power of bringing behavioural flexibility in our lives - The Law of Requisite Variety and that the Meaning of Communication Is the Response You Get.
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