CEO of Think About It, LLC, Marketing Communications Coach and Consultant, Jovanne Walker's journey somewhat began with a declaration on Facebook.
Jovanne was done with her job of 12 years in corporate America and according to her, was ready to make the dreams come true that God had planned for her. She had felt the entrepreneurial itch for awhile, but had been hesitant about leaving her cushy job.
The job, while stagnate and suffocating, was a safety net. Then the day finally came, and she wrestled up all that fear and posted it out the world. She was transparent of all her feelings, including her unwavering confidence that she was making the right decision and her complete faith in the glorious unknown to chase the beat of her own heart.
On that day of liberation, March 29th 2018, Jovanne wrote:
"I did something that I consider scary and rewarding all at the same time. I resigned from a company that helped to shape my career and professional development for over 12 years and decided to pursue my dreams as a full time entrepreneur. When I tell you it was one of the scariest things I ever done, I promise, promise you it was - you see, I felt extremely stuck and was stagnant in many areas of my life. I felt like my creativity was at an all-time low and I couldn't really think clearly. I felt like I was praying, praying always for the same thing, everyday and not seeing a difference. I didn't feel like eating healthy, working out because I felt drained from the thoughts of things not really shaping up for me. It was nothing against the company I work for, but it was all about me seeing myself from a different lens, the way in which God saw me overcome the feeling of being stuck.
I had to look to the future as opposed to my current situation. I had to revisit the dreams that God gave me and push to work on making them happen...once you believe in and have a willing heart to pursue, he will begin to show you more and provide opportunity for those dreams to manifest. Prior to leaving my job, I was extremely nervous to go but the whole time I kept hearing God say, 'don't worry. I've got you.' I went back and fourth in my mind. Like, I knew exactly how I am getting paid each month and I know exactly what benefits will keep me healthy and wealthy, LOL, but still - l kept hearing God say don't worry. I've got you....
In a few days, a month will have passed and based on God's promise. I see him moving my on my behalf and new opportunities to continue professional growth and more. I definitely know this is a God thing because your girl doesn't make nonsense decisions. I love that a nonsensical decision is the result of this, I'm even more pumped to encourage others to chase their dreams to pursue their passions and be the best leader that God has designed them to be."
In this episode, Host Linda M. Otterbridge talks to Walker about to how to really own your own fear factor, take control of your life and become that boss babe you have been dreaming about.
You can find out more about Jovanne Walker at