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It's all mermaids and metaphors with Jules! She's a spiller so we learn all about her love languages. We also get philosophical about crayons, literature, and probably spend too much time talking about the science of coffee.
Scottrick blessed us with his presence (yes, that's his real name). We talked burnout and happiness... Or was it just lies, damn lies, and sports statistics? Don't @ us!!
On this episode we finally get to propagate our feminist agenda with the first non-male guest: Catherine "Potato" Deschenes. #Wokeuplikethis
We sat down with Brandon Zhao. Did not speak a word. Listen in on the sound of silence.
After paying a hefty sum to Paul's agent he agreed to come on the podcast. But who really IS Paul Barber? Stay tuned folks.
We ask ourselves the fundamental questions.
The podcast currently has 6 episodes available.