On March 31, 2019 Northampton lost something dear to all of us. Faces, the iconic Downtown Northampton shop, closed its doors suddenly. The dark, shuttered storefront of Faces still sits on Main Street, its hair and nails continuing to grow on its bloated retail corpse. Faces does not exist any more. It’s gone forever. Except it’s not! Faces lives!
In the Hampshire Mall there is a food court where the sustenance is not sticks surrounded by hot dogs or Pandas in an extreme rush, rather the “food” is go carts, bowling, skating and laser tag. And just off this food court is Faces. Still kicking. Still weird, wonderful and committed to social justice.
Marcus Maulucci is the intrepid Media Coordinator at Faces and he takes us through what has changed, what’s stayed the same, what we lost and what we can still find inside ourselves and inside the Mall.
Faces can be found at the pointed URL FacesHadley.com and Instagram and Facebook under @facesmainstreet