Hey Everyone! I am going to be uploading portions from my homegroup, but only with me taking the group through the Big Book. I edit others out to keep anonymity. (If I didn't edit perfectly, forgive me).
I will also be releasing new episodes a little less frequently, as my plate is getting full! Please join us on Thursdays for my homegroup, https://www.facebook.com/groups/1319027391634052 (Northstar Big Book Group. 7 pm EST)
ID: 862-3132-5985
Pass: 1279
and follow on FB at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1319027391634052 (Northstar Big Book Group-Cleveland, Ohio)
#bigbook #aa #alcoholicsanonymous #northstarbigbook #thebigbook #bigbookstudy #bigbook #aa #alcoholicsanonymous #northstarbigbook #thebigbook #bigbookstudy
Also, check out https://www.carlyisrael.com/mustloveself-podcast (my new podcast: Must.Love.Self.) I interview women from all over the world who are ready to reclaim their bodies, their worth, and their voices.
And my memoir: https://www.amazon.com/Seconds-Inches-Carly-Israel/dp/1938841115/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1L2RUHRSB6TWYanddchild=1andkeywords=seconds+and+inches+carly+israelandqid=1610817613andsprefix=seconds+and+%2Caps%2C162andsr=8-1 (Seconds and Inches) (available on Amazon, Audible, Barnes and Noble, Apple, and anywhere else you can imagine).