Don't forget that we're joining Angela's House in their fundraiser trying to raise money for their organization that Coordinates complex home care services and Residential services for medically fragile children. Check out the link below if you wish to donate!
Welcome to Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gamed, and our Pathfinder 2nd Edition podcast. We are playing Wrath of the Righteous! It is a Pathfinder adventure path from 1st edition which we will be converting into Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Listen to us talk about what characters we are thinking of playing, as well as the work we already done to convert some of the player options. Listen to us joke around, talk shop, laugh, and have fun as we get amped up for our new campaign.
After the long battle, and the loss of both Nell and Sir Ren in one hell of a climactic battle, the party found some very important loot, one of which was a scroll of resurrection, A SINGLE SCROLL. Now the party had to decide who was to be attempted to be brought back, and there really was no decision, as Nell is the Princess, and soon to be Queen of Kiln Peak! With some effort, the party completed the ritual, and brought Nell back from near oblivion, only to morn for their lost compatriot, who's soul now resides in the magic sword, that is still sworn to hunt down the lich. But before they could catch their breath, the wizard, Dorian arrived, just at the time he's meant to, and introduced themselves to the party, as the final battle was mere moments away.
Will the party be able to stop the ritual that the queen has begun and save the city, or will this final battle spell the ultimate doom for everyone?
Find out in the next episode of Wrath of the Righteous!
With our Forever GM Jared leading the charge, Lets introduce our characters for this game, well, for as long as they survive!
Fabio is playing the human Swashbuckler, Hennessy!
Zach is playing the Human Psychic, Artura!
Jeff is playing the hobgoblin Wizard, Sortok!
Tina is playing the dwarf Inquisitor, Nell! A new homebrewed class from Atune-A-Wizard Press, where the rules can be purchased at Drive-Thru-RPG at Inquisitor
Steve is playing the human champion, Sir Ren, the dwarf wizard, Dorian!
Thanks to our sponsor Die Hard Dice you can use our discount code of SpicyNVNG that is good for 10% off your entire purchase!!!
You can also ask us questions for our cast to answer on our podcast by contacting us through our socials below or emailing us directly at [email protected]
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Music provided by StreamBeats Synthwave albums Ego, Lone Wolf, Renegade, Breaker, and Sunset by Harris Heller/Senpai Records.
Music and sounds also provided by Pocket Bard, try out their app today at their website below, or on PC, and on Apple and Android Devices!
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