1万石で藩士70人+足軽等100人って規模感で小さくても参勤交代は免れず、常にひどい借金。幕末の官軍出兵も五十人が精一杯という所も実にリアルです。この官軍出兵50人の中に、和田重次郎の父親源八が会津攻めに加わり、鉄砲傷をおいます。 【ミュージカル】
<ミュージカル:オーロラに駆けるサムライ アラスカ公演>
***Komatsu clan was a small clan with only 10,000 gokuoku, but it escaped demolition and transfer, and was called a miracle clan that lasted for 235 years even if it suffered from famine and natural disasters. Even though the size of the clan was small, with 10,000 koku, 70 clan members and 100 foot soldiers, it was not easy to escape the change of attendance, and the clan was always heavily in debt. At the end of the Edo period, only 50 men were sent out to the government army, which is very realistic. Wada's father, Genpachi, joins the attack on Aizu and is wounded by a gunshot wound.
The musical about the life of Shujiro Wada was performed in May 2014 in Anchorage, Alaska, Fairbanks, and in 2019, the town of Seward, south of Anchorage, Alaska, is located. This is the starting point for the world's toughest Iditarod International Dog Sledding Race, which I mentioned at the beginning of this article. A statue of Shujiro Wada was erected at Mie0 (zero), the starting point of the Iditarod International Dogsled Race.
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