Of Barbs, Hubs & Spokes - The North Korea Security Dilemma

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John & David are joined by Prof. Purnendra Jain, internationally renowned Japan scholar & Northeast Asian security expert from the University of Adelaide, Dept. of Asian Studies

Following is a list of some useful factoids regarding our Northeast Asian security special for those unfamiliar with some of the terms used:

KOREA UNDER JAPANESE RULE - 1910-45 the Korean Peninsula was one indivisible territory under Japanese imperial rule. It has been considered an ambivalent period. While Japanese rule was often considered extremely harsh, it did bring with it a degree of social and economic modernity to the Korean people.

COMFORT WOMEN - Between 1932-45 Japanese military conquests in Asia brought about the systemic exploitation of women from occupied territories - many forced into prostitution, but more properly, sexual slavery, to satisfy the requirements of the Japanese Imperial Army. Japan has failed to fully recognise this atrocity or adequately atone for it.

DIVIDED KOREA - In 1945 Korea was divided into Soviet and American occupation zones. By 1948 the Soviets and Americans failed to reach an agreement on reunifying the country. Two forms of government, one communist, one non-communist were declared, each one stating that it was the legitimate voice of the Korean people.

KOREAN WAR - 1950-53. Ended in a stalemate.

ABDUCTION ISSUE - Between 1976-83, North Korean agents abducted a number of Japanese citizens. Officially acknowledged figures are low (in the teens), though unofficially there may have been hundreds of Japanese abductees. These people were allegedly brought to North Korea to teach Japanese to North Korean spies. Former North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, father of current leader Kim Jong-un admitted to 13 Japanese abductees and apologised for this. Some 5 of the 13 admitted Japanese abductees returned to Japan in 2004. Issues surrounding compensation and the full disclosure of this North Korean activity remains a sore point between Tokyo & Pyongyang.

HUBS & SPOKES - This wheel-like analogy describes the network of US alliances that keep the contemporary strategic balance of power in Northeast Asia. For example, the United States being the largest strategic power in the Pacific is considered 'the hub' while America's smaller Asia-Pacific allies, such as South Korea, Japan & Australia are considered the spokes.

1994 AGREED FRAMEWORK - A Clinton era initiative designed to smooth North Korea-US relations by promising energy aid to North Korea in return for North Korea freezing its nuclear program. This agreement ended in 2002 after North Korean and American officials accused each other of violations.

6 PARTY TALKS - Established in 2003, this multilateral forum between North Korea, China, Russia, the US, Japan and South Korea was created to move forward the idea of dismantling North Korea's nuclear program. North Korea pulled out of this forum in 2009.

NORTH KOREA - Becomes a nuclear power in 2006. It test-fired its first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) 4 July 2017.

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