Welcome to Off Topic! A place where you are free to be random! This episode goes into the topics of unpopular opinion where we end up talking about pizza, kangaroos and High School Musical.
Here are all the social media to all those who were in the podcast!
[email protected] || http://www.projectionboothpodcast.com || https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pro...
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Pizza: History, recipes, stories, people, places, love (A book by Pizza Pilgrims)
If you are interested in joining this podcast follow the Facebook page (link below) to learn more. https://www.facebook.com/TopicsNeverReallyEnds
If you have any feedback about this episode (good or bad) please relay it by filling out this very short form: https://forms.gle/5YHqgvcGWx4xAVuf6
Songs used in the podcast (in order of playing) To see how to support the artist go to this link:
1. Poppin Off The Rip by RAGE
2. The Jigg is Up by RAGE
3. In Honor Of by Dr Quincy
4. No Good Right by Freedom Trail Studio
6. Flows Inside Me by Homie Cat