Welcome to Episode 4 of the OM Momma’s Podcast! Join me as I have a powerful and intentional conversation with Denise Castro centered around a discussion of Embracing The New Normal. In this episode we talk about self-worth, empowerment, and mental health for moms during the pandemic and postpartum itself as we begin to embrace #thisnewnormal .
Denise is a Cuban American who currently resides in Miami, Florida. She is Mother to her three year old son and baby daughter. Her entrepreneurial background highlight marketing strategies, graphic consulting, and business leadership expertise. She is Founder and owner of Virtual Mom Collective and Dac Mac Photography. She's an active Mom blogger published by Scary Mommy, The B(e)aring All Project, Motherhood: The Real Deal, The Manifestation, and The Selkie UK. She holds a dual BFA in Photography and Graphic Design and Marketing and Business Management, and an MBA in Leadership from Florida International University.
Denise is passionate about empowering Moms to speak about their own stories; her own journey into Motherhood is what sparked her venture into writing. She is an advocate for gender equality in the workplace for women. Treating gender diversity like the business priority it is, promotes self-worth empowerment for working Mothers. The Virtual Mom Collective was founded on this principle. Her desire is that the VMC serves as a platform of support and community that enable Moms to speak their truths during #thisnewnormal.
We Discuss:
• The importance of listening to your body as you develop self-worth, especially if you suffer from postpartum depression
• Connection and relating to others through sharing your raw motherhood experiences as a deep healing experience
• The need for normalizing the sharing of "messy" and "ugly" motherhood realities
• How communities of other moms are a lifeline during times of isolation
• and so much more!
Memorable Quotes:
• The funny thing about shame is it inhibits your true feelings of not seeking help.
• The journey of motherhood is just a continuous evolution. Just milestones upon milestones. When you have that self-realization and that acceptance, and that wild compassion for yourself and that gratitude, I think that’s when we can start to shift things and begin to take off all of that pressure.
• Know your self worth in your best and worst state. Because if you don’t understand the sadness that you go through you won’t really understand what true joy feels like. (Denise's Personal Momtra)
Connect with Denise:
Virtual Mom Collective
Instagram: www.instagram.com/virtualmomcollective
Website: https://www.virtualmomcollective.com (www.virtualmomcollective.com)
Dac Mac Photography
Instagram: www.instagram.com/dacmacphotography
Website: https://www.dacmacphotography.com (www.dacmacphotography.com)
**Please leave a review and share this platform with a woman in your life who can benefit from the message. Our book Momtras: Mantras for Mindful Moms is https://www.amazon.com/Momtras-Mantras-Mindful-Kristine-McGlinchey-Yap/dp/B08DSZ3394/ref=sr_1_5?crid=J3XWYAL5I3APanddchild=1andkeywords=momtras+mantras+for+mindful+momsandqid=1619711301andsprefix=momtras+%2Caps%2C185andsr=8-5 (available on Amazon). If you’d like to continue the conversation, connect with us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/ommommas (@ommommas) .