Dr. Randy Hines II goes "on call" with Kenny and Chivaun Philpot, successful business owners, philanthropists and healthcare advocates, who share their independent perspectives and understanding of healthcare as a whole. On this episode of On Call with Dr. Randy, they dive into their healthcare experiences, both as children and adults, along with their approaches to family history and the impact on their children. What you can expect in this episode:
4:30 - Childhood healthcare experiences
8:00 - Differences in approach to healthcare
18:30 - Transitioning to professional athletic healthcare
23:00 - From athlete to self-care
27:45 - High blood pressure diagnosis
30:00 - Process of finding a doctor
35:10 - Family history and genes
36:30 - post-covid healthcare approach
40:30 - Impact on children
45:45 - Randy’s Random Questions
“Prevention is better than a cure.” - Chivaun Philpot
“I was allowed to live in that mind space." - Kenny Philpot
“It all started to get real in our mid to late 30’s." - Chivaun Philpot
"Football was the safe haven." - Kenny Philpot
"I became my parents." - Chivaun Philpot
"It [healthcare] was always available to me, it just wasn't natural." - Kenny Philpot
"Start early." - Chivaun Philpot
"Exposure leads to expansion." - Kenny Philpot
"Drink a lot of water and mind your business." - Chivaun Philpot
"Black men, drop the bravado. Go find out if you want to know." - Kenny Philpot
About Kenny & Chivaun Philpot:
Kenny and Chivaun Philpot met and started dating back in college, they were both collegiate scholarship athletes. Kenny went on to play in the NFL for a period of time while Chivaun was finishing up school, and they have been together ever since. They have now been married for 17 years, with 3 beautiful children ages 16, 8 & 6. Kenny is a Project Manager for Google, a Black Googler Network Lead (Representing Google in the community efforts to uplift and provide opportunity for people of color), a football coach to his sons team, and a Real Estate Investor. Chivaun is a Licensed Award Winning Realtor, & Investor as well. They both are part owners in the family designer scarf business K-Klas, and invest into their 16 yr. Old daughters Organic Custom Made Lip Care Line. Most recently, they have been put on the DNA Foundation Board which is a non-profit organization that helps communities and people in need. Their biggest highlight was opening a school in an impoverished community in Ghana.
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Contact Dr. Randy Hines II: https://www.drrandymd.com
IG: @_drrandy
FB: @HinesEntertainment
LinkedIn: Dr. Randy Hines II
Twitter: @_DrRandy
TikTok: @_drrandy
Contact The Philpots:
IG: @homesbychiv
Visit: www.homesbychiv.com
Shop K-Klaus: www.k-klas.com
Shop Keyute Cosmetics: www.keyutecosmetics.com
Call: 404-840-4900