The housing situation in Australia is a significant issue for many of us. For people with disabilities, accessing safe, suitable and affordable housing is an ongoing challenge with many layers of uncertainty.
Appropriate housing is a vital foundation that supports education and employment pathways, yet many Australians with disability face overwhelming housing inequalities. Current research shows that people with disability are at much greater risk of living in unaffordable housing.
This episode focuses on how the housing market is responding to changes under the NDIS and what the private rental and public housing options are for people with disabilities.
We also find out about initiatives such as individualised supported living and shared equity arrangements. We hear from a community housing group in regional Victoria working to address the disability housing shortage, and visit with a couple of young men who are thriving in a home sweet home of their own. We also hear about accessible housing design as championed by the Summer Foundation. The broader housing policy context is explored, as are the priorities ahead to deliver a system that's fair, equitable and safe for the growing number of Australians with disability.