As the lights grow stronger each night of Hannukah, we can accompany the candle lighting process by discovering and performing another mitzvah, day by day. Remember it only takes on minute to do. And this minute can expand to days, as the Hannukah lights do. A spark of light which starts small on one night, grows and grows naturally.
Most do not realize that it is actually a Mitzvah to be happy. In other words happiness creates a channel for the light to come to us, in many forms, of warm, clarity, love, guidance, and certainly as protection from confusion and harm.
As we learn about this Mitzvah, we also discover that happiness is not just a feeling that can come and go, but an inevitable outcome of a certain way of seeing and perceiving our life. There are many ways of being happy and also giving happiness to others. And, as we do so, a sense of deep well being, and fulfillment arises. Our happiness becomes a foundation from which joy arises and loving kindness to all.
What a beautiful Mitzvah to fulfill, during the journey of light we are on.