In this delightful episode, we travel to sunny Australia, where our guest, Glenys Atkins, a long-time dog enthusiast, lives with her supportive family and two miniature poodles, Coco and Chevy.
Glenys is retired and has even undergone hip replacement surgery, but that doesn’t stop her from being active. What is unique about her story is that she started agility at the age of 67 - so age is definitely not a barrier to starting this great activity! She also explains her thoughts behind her statement: “Agility is not just a sport for young people. It’s a sport that older people can do successfully as well.”
Learn about her dedication to canine conditioning and the OneMind Dogs method and how these practices shape her life and dreams.
Glenys loves going to seminars for the supportive and encouraging environment. “There isn’t anything better than going to a OneMind Dogs seminar - it’s just so much fun!” she says.
Hear an inspiring story about how a love for dog agility led to a remarkable conversation with an orthopedic surgeon.
Listen to this episode and get inspired!
Here are the links for the conditioning Glenis is doing with the poodles:
Her agility videos:
- "Parkes Trial April 2023 First Clear Run"
- "Parkes Trial April 2023 First Run"
- "Rear-end Conditioning Exercise"
- "Shaping Going Round an Object October 2020"
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