They're just one episode away from recapping the season finale and Maggie can hardly wait to watch it! In this episode, the girls discuss which non-lawyer friend they would choose to represent them and what super powers they possess. They both reveal what candy could lure them into a white, unmarked van (hint: neither of them actually pick candy). And they ask their new podcast friend Josh and all of their other listeners who haven't left a review to please remember to like, subscribe, and leave a review!
And make sure to tune in to Instagram LIVE on Wednesday, November 27th around the 7pish hour CST for a LIVE recording of their recap of the Season 5 Finale.
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Whether you're watching it for the first time or the third time, this podcast is made for SUITS fans and only SUITS fans. Join comedians and sisters-in-LAW Amanda Austin and Maggie Rieth Austin as they brief you on each and every epsiode of the beloved procedural law drama. They might not have a degree in law but hey, neither did Mike Ross!