Episode Synopsis:
Was the Rockefeller’s success simply the savvy business moves made to meet the needs of the nation, or has the Rockefeller syndicate become the Military, Educational, and Pharmaceutical Industrial Complexes?
We talk about this and much more, including:
- Why did John D. Rockefeller take over the American Medical Association?
- How was the Rockefeller Foundation able to fund the rewriting of history?
- How was the overproduction of petroleum-based pesticides and fertilizers used to control the very breath of every living person in the world?
- Why did Abraham Flexner write a report that destroyed natural medicine?
- How did we end up with the overproduction of petroleum from WWII in our food supply?
- What tactics did the elites use to coverup the racism and eugenics that formed the foundation of “science” post WWII?
- Why do institutions such as the FDA and AMA actively work against effective alternative medicine?
Original Air Date
February 19th, 2024
Show Hosts
Jason Spears & Christopher Dean
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Resource Books
“Country School Of Tomorrow” – Fredrick T. Gates – PDF
“Murder By Injection” – Eustace Mullins
“Who Financed Hitler” – James and Suzanne Pool
“The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty” – Peter Collier
“Wealth Against Common Wealth” – Henry Demorest Lloyd
“The Unholy Alliance” – Peter Levenda
“Externalization of the Hierarchy” – Alice Bailey
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